Sunday, March 29, 2020

29 March 2020

29 March 2020

It is Day 4 of the COVID-19 Quarantine. We are in good shape. Our supplies are adequate. However, we had an unplanned stop at the grocery store. An elderly woman called us and asked us to go to the grocery store for her. We are trying to stay out of harm’s way -- and going to the store violates that rule. After a short, silent prayer we decided that we would help this woman and trust that the Lord would protect us.

We stopped by her little house in a remote place called Korohe to pick up her list.

We then proceeded to the New World Grocery Store. A light rain was falling. There was a line of people waiting to get in the store all standing the required two meters away from the person next to them. The store would only let a limited number of people inside and no one was allowed inside until someone left. Once inside, Ruth Ann was generally treated with courtesy but there were a few people who were less than courteous. She was glad to be out of there. I am hoping we can avoid the experience in the future.

I think everyone is very cautious - as they should be. People have gloves and bandanna masks. Shades of the old west train robberies. If you are on a collision course course, they will steer clear. Me too. The streets are practically empty.

The entire country is in quarantine. We are to stay inside except for exercise, or trips to the grocery, gas station, doctor, or pharmacy. The government is telling us this will last at last four weeks and possibly more. Domestic flights are cancelled. International flights are limited to New Zealand citizens returning home.As time goes on, I suspect flight in or out will dry up.

They want to flatten the curve of new infections. I am sure it will take weeks before we will see the effect.

Our mission is sending home all young missionaries. They fly home a few at a time. Our district of twelve has lost 4 in the past 24 hours alone.

The mission president gave us the option to go home or stay. We made it a matter of prayer and have told him that we will stay. So for now, we will do what we can for people here. Frankly, we have grown to love the people in Turangi and the thought of leaving is saddening. I can see why our young missionaries are so heartbroken about leaving. They are wonderful people.

Stay tuned. It is a wild ride!

Lockdown activities

Who you calling old?

Street in Taupo. Rahui means "prohibited"

The grocery in Turangi

The park next to our house.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

22 March 2020 Update

22 March 2020
Dear Family and Friends,

Many have inquired regarding our status and well-being. It is heartwarming to know that we are remembered and that you all are keeping us in your prayers. 

We are approaching the halfway point in our mission. 

The short message is that we are safe and (mostly) well here in Turangi, New Zealand. 

Tim is in week number two of what is probably a strong cold. He is improving and at about 80% strength. What is disconcerting about this is that this is neither the time nor place to be sick. 

Ruth Ann remains well.

Regarding our status, most of what we were doing two weeks ago has been suspended because of the ever-changing nature of the COVID-19 pandemic. Some of the changes are self-imposed and some directed. Due to Tim's illness, we have decided to forego the Thursday and Friday reading sessions at the local Maori school (Te Kura O Hirangi) and our weekly Hospice Shop shift. We were asked not to come to the hotel for Family Home Evening and Addiction Recovery. 

That leaves Branch (Tim is a counselor in the Branch Presidency and Ruth Ann in the Relief SOciety Presidency) duties and personal misistering. However, with church gathering suspended, our official church duties are limited. We continue to do personal ministering where appropriate. 

Our mission status is questionable at the moment. It seems as if every day there is new news from the Church, from the US Government, and the New Zealand Government.

Regarding New Zealand, their incoming borders are closed to non-citizens with the exception of health care augmentees. If citizens do return, they are on 14-day self isolation. From what we can tell, other visitors are leaving on the few airline flights available. The country is at "level 2" (an internal scale where 1 is normal and 4 is lockdown). We are asked to reduce non-essential travel, practice social distancing, and don't panic buy at the store. High-risk people are advised to remain at home (those over 70 or those with other existing medical conditions). 

Up until a few days ago, the number of cases of COVID were less than 10. Today, the number is 52. 

At the present time, our mission has only asked us to stock up on essential food and necessary items. They have asked the missionaries not to hug or shake hands with people. Baptismal services are still approved so long as they are limited in numbers. 

We have received no word regarding our long-term status here. 

As you all know, each day comes with new news. We will endeavor to post our status more frequently. 

We do ask that you remember us in your prayers. We are engaged in the Lord's work so we will trust in Him. 

Elder and Sister Baxter

Near Elephant Rock - West Coast New Zealand

Sunday, March 8, 2020

February 2020

February 2020

Dear Followers,
The summer season is progressing. The locals are complaining of the "hot summer". The temperatures seldom get past 80 degrees F and the humidity is low. The nights are cool. I think they should spend a summer in Arizona or Kentucky to calibrate their internal thermometers! I will say that it is extremely dry as the summer progresses. I couldn't believe that last winter's lush,  green pastures and forests would turn brown, but the weeks without rain and the thin soils have turned things very brown and dry.

We had a very pleasant visit from Aaron, Abby, Daniel, and Eve in February. Their itinerary was absolutely packed. We were able to do and see a variety of things with them: Hiking, ziplining, glow worm cave touring, jet boating, sheep shearing, waterfalls, and much more. We were thrilled to have them for a visit and sad to see them go.

We are staying quite busy with family home evenings, addiction recovery seminars, the Maori immersion school, the Hospice thrift store, visits to elderly, working in the art guild (pottery shop) and church assignments.

A little fun with the whanau (zipline)

Recognize this volcano from Lord of the Rings?

Sheep shearing in Taumarunui

Giant Kauri Tree. This youngster is 800 years old
(the tree, not Elder Baxter)

We gave these German Van-Campers a hot shower
and a hot meal
Recognize this place from Lord of the Rings?

Teaching at Te Kura o Hirangi
(the inscription behind says "the basket of knowledge")

Who says Senior Missionaries don't
do bikes?

Home Again

 Dear Family and Friends, We arrived at home on 29 January, 2021; thus ending our New Zealand mission experience. Our arrival at an empty Le...