Dear Friends,
As we enter this Christmas time we acknowledge the wonderful gift of The Son of God into the world.
In the days prior to Christmas we were very busy with a number of projects which we will describe in the photographs below.
On December 14 we took a break to climb Mt. Tauhara, an extinct volcano. If you look off to the left of Sister Baxter you can see four other volcanoes (Ruapehu, Ngauruhoe, Tongariro, and Pihanga) and lake Taupo, a volcanic crater. We hope to have broken out of the rainy season. |
Elder Baxter with the lead marchers in the Christmas Parade and the float designer and organizer - our dear Primary President. |
The parade crew. You will notice the beautiful missionaries who helped by distributing candy and flyers for our upcoming Christmas Sacrament Meeting. |
Elder Baxter and his young friends. |
Very photogenic I might add.
Sister Baxter and some of our missionary friends. |
Our float took 2nd Place this year. $300 prize. |
Our Food Box Project - In the rain no less. We received funding for 60 food parcels to be distributed to needy families. |
On two separate Wednesdays we delivered 30 food parcels. These were substantial packages which included meat, fresh vegetables, and other staples. Each recipient received two large boxes and two bags of foods and dry goods. |
The sign says: Donated by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The Church Humanitarian Fund and several other local organizations provided funding or food.